Complex deliveries of IRS systems
As a system integrator, we have many years of experience with comprehensive roofing and guaranteeing the supply of large-scale IT solutions (specialized software, HW and technology) within the IT environment of the components of the integrated rescue system of the Czech Republic (IRS).
The solutions are composed of both YS products and the products of our renowned suppliers of systems for information support of the operation of IRS units.
Implemented projects for the Emergency Medical Service cover information and process IT support for the activities of emergency medical services in the provision of pre-hospital emergency care, management and coordination of crews in the field (operations centers) and the provision of documents for billing provided to insurance companies.

For the Police of the Czech Republic, we are the general supplier of a system for the operational management of police forces and resources, at the level of the police presidium and regional dispatching centers throughout the Czech Republic (line 158).
At the same time, we are a supplier of technology for the operational management of the units of the Police of the Czech Republic with nationwide coverage of the so-called ÚCP, which includes the units of the Foreign Police, URNA, Police Air service, National Anti-Drug Headquarters and others.

Overview of areas integrated into a comprehensive solution:
• Dispatching information systems (lines 158, 155)
• Geographic information system for dispatching, vehicle tracking
• Recording of radio and telephone communications, caller location
• Telephony and Pegas network integration
• Navigation, SW for drivers of ambulances
• Mobile data entry in the field, reporting to insurance companies within the emergency services
• HW (server part, disk arrays) and system SW
• Network infrastructure security
• Security of systems from the point of view of cyber security

ICT security